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“沈药无涯论坛”第117讲:香港大学Paul Michel Georges Vanhoutte教授学术报告会

发布日期:2017-10-24     来源:学科建设 浏览量:

报告题目Nitric oxide and the blood vessel wall: from good to bad



报 告 人:Paul Michel Georges Vanhoutte教授(Li Ka ShingFaculty of Medicine






PaulMichel Georges Vanhoutte1973年获University of Antwerp博士学位。香港大学药理学带头人,现任中国协和医科大学、北京药物研究所、青岛海洋大学、第二军医大学和上海药物研究所等名誉教授。欧洲生物医学研究学会European BiomedicalResearch Association创始人,International Society on Endothelialization in Cardiovascular Surgery发起人。主要从事生物化学、药理学和临床医学研究,合著或编辑了36本书。出版了671篇原创研究论文,576篇社论、评论或章节。


Nitric oxide and the bloodvessel wall: from good to bad The endothelium releases relaxing factors (EDRF), which diffuse to the underlying vascular smooth muscle cellsand elicit endothelium-dependent vasodilatations. The best characterized EDRFis nitric oxide (NO) formed by endothelial NO synthase (eNOS). In the vascular smooth muscle cells, NO stimulates soluble guanylate cyclase which normally produces cyclic GMP. NO release by eNOS can be augmented by increases in shearstress or by activation of endothelial cell membrane receptors. The ability of the endothelial cell to release NO can be up-regulated by estrogens, repeated increases in blood flow, exercise, diet, and down-regulated by oxidative stressand increased presence of oxidized low density lipoproteins. The bioavailability of NO is curtailed by aging, smoking, environmental pollutionor obesity and in hypertension and diabetes. In addition to lesser directrelaxation of the underlying vascular smooth muscle, a decreased release of NOalso permits the production of vasoconstrictor prostanoids and/or endothelin-1.Blunted endothelium-dependent relaxations can also be due to unresponsiveness of the vascular smooth muscle to NO. Finally, in coronary arteries, hypoxia causes acute augmentations of vasoconstrictor responses that depend on the presence of NO and the biased activation of soluble guanylate cyclase which produces cyclic IMP rather than cyclicGMP. Since hypoxia is implicatedin exaggerated vasoconstrictions observed in coronary artery disease, the emerging role of this non-canonical cyclicnucleotide may help identifying novel therapeutic targets.


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