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发布日期:2017-09-24     来源:学科建设 浏览量:

报告题目Synthetic Biology of Oligonucleotide

报告时2017925 日(周一 )10: 30-12:00


报 告 人:阿部 博士(ABE Hiroshi)(日本名古屋大学化学系教授)







阿部 洋,2001年获日本北海道大学药学博士。2001-2005年先后在美国麻省理工大学和斯坦福大学从事博士后研究,2005年回国后曾任日本理化学研究所研究员,北海道大学药学研究院药物化学教研室副教授。自2013年起任名古屋大学理学院化学系教授。曾于2011-2015年担任日本科技部JST-PRESTO项目负责人。主要研究方向包括核酸的化学生物学,生物成像探针的开发,小分子药物发现等。已发表论文100余篇,综述文章18篇,参编著作8部。先后荣获日本药学会奖励奖,理化学研究所研究奖励奖,第58届日本高分子学会青年科学家讲演奖,日本化学会第六届生物相关化学研讨会讲演奖,长濑研究振兴奖等奖励。


Recentlyit has been discovered that RNA not only operates as an informational molecule,but has many other functions. One of these is the suppression of geneticexpression, called RNA interference, for which a Nobel Prize was awarded in 2006. Such discoveries have led to RNA-based drug discovery research.In particular RNA interference, which specifically suppresses geneticexpression, has been of great utility to biotechnology and medical technology.To realize capabilities beyond RNA’s original function, I aim to conduct my ownnanosize molecular design and then to synthesize these molecules and utilizethis technology as a new biomedical engineering technology.

RNA structures that do not occur naturally: dumbbellshapes, circular double strands, and 3- and 4-branch structures (Fig. 1). RNA interferencenormally requires double-strand RNA, but this structure is problematic due toits extreme instability in vivo. An in vivo enzymecalled exonuclease recognizes the end of the RNA and begins to break it down. Dumbbell-shaped circular RNA has no end, and so isnot broken down by the enzyme. Also, branched RNA, due to its nanosize branchedstructure, is sterically bulky, which prevents the enzyme from approaching.Both structural designs significantly increase RNA stability in vivo.However, when these nano-structured RNA enter the cell, they are slowly transformed into active form double-strand RNA by a special enzyme and displaylong-term suppression of gene expression.It is possible to create interesting functions with moleculardesign as well. Messenger RNA codes amino acids and is translated into proteinby ribosomes. Normal protein translation begins with the starting codon andfinishes with the end codon. I wondered what would happen in the proteintranslation reaction if a circularly structured messenger RNA with no end codonwas used as the template (Fig. 2). Once the ribosome bonds with the RNA andbegins synthesizing protein, there is no end, so in principle, proteinsynthesis would continue forever. Actually, we found that when we tried proteinsynthesis with a circular messenger RNA, we ended up with a long protein. Wealso found that this endless circular protein translation results in moreprotein being synthesized more efficiently than with ordinary straightmessenger RNA.

